Troubleshooting: Hardware
- Help Tech Support Troubleshoot Faster
- How to Deal With Noise During Processing for D1 Pro
- 【Machine Issue - General】
- The Laser Module Won't Home without Double-clicking "Home" on LightBurn
- Task Canceled During Processing
- Video-The Laser Module of D1 & D1 Pro Won’t Move
- The D Series Laser Machine Stops Mid-Job
- The Machine Won’t Power On
- The Machine Won't Frame
- The Machine Keeps Restarting
- The Machine Keeps Processing the Same File
- The Machine Makes Noises During the Processing
- The X-Axis Gantry Isn’t Leveled
- 【Machine Issue - Processing】
- The Engraved Image Is Wavy
- The Engraved Image has Extra Lines
- The Engraved Image isn't Closed Up
- The Engraved Image is Doubled
- The Engraved Image is Doubled after Homing
- The Engraved Image is Unclear
- The Engraved Image is Distorted
- The Engraved Image is Mirrored
- 【Machine Issue - Position Limit】
- The Position Limit False Alarm
- The Position Limit Won't Work
- 【Machine Issue - Laser Module】
- The Laser Module Won't Fire
- The Laser Module Won't Move
- The Laser Module Crashes into the Frame
- The Laser Module Jitters During Processing