Firmware Upgrade Gets Stuck at 3%

Article author
Cecilia Fang-xTool

This article applies to:

D1 Pro with all laser modules.


Issue Description

When you try to upgrade the firmware of your machine with XCS via a USB connection, the progress may get stuck at 3%. If so, please follow the below instructions for a fix.




Note: This issue usually happens to a Mac computer with an M1 or M2 chip. If you use a Windows computer and connect the machine via USB, this issue almost never happens. However, if you still see this issue, please make sure you press the bootload button during the upgrade as instructed in XCS. 


#1 Switch to Wi-Fi Connection

Right now this issue should only affect devices connected by USB. Change to a Wi-Fi connection and try again in the XCS to upgrade.


#2 Long Press the Boot Load Button

If you don't have Wi-Fi or just prefer to use the USB connection anyway, try this. When the firmware upgrade gets stuck, long press the boot load button until the whole upgrade is complete.



#3 Upgrade Using a Windows Computer

If you've tried the above and nothing works, please upgrade your firmware on a Windows computer using XCS.


If None of the Above Works

If you have followed the instructions above and the issue is still not resolved, please read the article in the link below, collect the troubleshooting steps you have taken, and contact xTool tech support for further advice.

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  • Stuck at 3% on a windows computer, they are not immune

  • Stix & Drones thanks for the feedback. A ticket has been created regarding this inquiry.

    Our team will get back to you via email. Appreciate your support and suggestion.


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