Adjust the Y-Axis Limit Trigger Piece

Article author
Cecilia Fang-xTool
  • Updated

This article applies to:
D1 Pro with all laser modules.


When you assemble the D1 Pro machine, you may notice that the position limit function relies on both the limit switch and the trigger piece.Only when the trigger piece goes under the sensor, the motherboard can then detect that the laser module is moving off-limit and set off the alarm.


Due to the different sizes of the laser modules, the position of the trigger piece on the Y-axis needs to be adjusted accordingly. You can refer to the photos below to find the correct level.

  1. If you are using the original trigger piece:
    • For the 20W laser module
    •  For the 5W and 10W laser modules
  2. If you are using the new trigger piece that comes with the 40W laser upgrade kit:
    • For the 40W laser module
    •  For the 20W laser module
    • For the 5W and 10W laser modules

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