Fix the Z-axis Plate Tight

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  • set limit switches

  • @ Hey Charles, take a look at this one if it serves you: Installation and Troubleshooting of Limit Sensors

  • According to the video the bottom roller has a slotted hole which you move up to tighten the carriage correct?  Upon removal of mine it is a perfect circle and no room for any upward movement.  My carriage drops about 2mm to 3mm when I install the IR Laser Head and about 1mm to 2mm with the 20w Laser Head.  I have tried tighten and pushing the roller as high as it will go, which does nothing because their is no room to adjust.  Just got this machine in the last couple weeks and did not even notice that the carriage was loose.  Now it will not hold a focus to save your life and usually burns or engraves half an image.  Anyone have any ideas, I am already behind in work orders and now it's down.  

  • Missing part rubber legs (2)


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