Set the Working Size for Extension Kit in LightBurn

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xTool Support Team

NOTE: Make sure that your D1/D1 Pro firmware is up to date.


Step 1. Click on Device Settings on the Main Toolbar in LightBurn and find the Working Size option under Basic Settings. image3.jpeg

Step 2. Set the Width to 430mm and the Height to 930mm.


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  • when changing the size to the new 430mm 900mm the absolute coordinates are no longer accurate. If I move to coordinates 80, 80 fire the laser at 10% power to produce then home, and repeat back to coordinates 80,80 fire the laser I should only see one dot but see 2. If this is repeated multiple times I get multiple dots. Not sure whos issue this is but plan on emailing lightburn as well. 

  • After setting the working Dimensions for the D1 Pro with extensions, I have to hit Home 2 times, sometimes more, to get it to the home position. Why is that?

  • I have just installed lightburn and the origin is in the back left corner of the machine (like in the picture above); I cannot get it to move to the front left corner of the machine and the y axis is going in the wrong direction and so are the move buttons. I installed the extension kit, and also the homing is not working correctly; if the laser is in the front half, pressing the home button will send the laser to approx. middle of the distance; then if I move the head manually using the buttons, and press the home again, it will go to home. Any suggestions are much appreciated. 

  • D Hello there, thank you for leaving a message. A ticket has been created for the issue and one of our agents will get back to you soon via email. Appreciate your patience and have a nice day!

  • D, did you use the Xtool program(XCS) to update the firmware for the extension kit? 


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