Unusual Smell When Using Desktop Air Purifier with F1

Article author
Cecilia Fang-xTool
  • Updated

Issue Description

If you notice a strange smell when using F1 with the air purifier, it is most likely caused by a faulty cartridge or incorrect installation. Please follow the steps below to troubleshoot.


#1 Check the Filter Cartridge

Long-term use or leaving the cartridge in a humid environment can cause it to fail.
If the cartridge is faulty, it needs to be replaced.


#2 Check the Exhaust Pipe

The air inlet of the purifier is supposed to be connected to the air outlet of F1.
If else, it may cause the smoke to go back into F1. Please make sure the connection is correct.

F1-桌面空净-气管连接-正确.PNG F1-桌面空净-气管连接-错误.PNG


#3 Check the Top Cover

At one edge of the top cover, there is an sticker indicate the direction.
Make sure the sicker faces the back side of the purifier where the inlets and outlets are located.

F1-桌面空净-上盖方向-正确.PNG F1-桌面空净-上盖方向-错误.PNG

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