The Smoke Purifier Suction Gets Weak

Article author
Cecilia Fang-xTool
  • Updated
This article applies to:
D1 and D1 Pro
Smoke Purifier

Issue Description

When you find the airflow of the purifier gets weak, and it doesn't seem to extract the smoke as well as before, please refer to this article for troubleshooting.

#1 Check the Air Flow Level

Turn the knob clockwise to increase the airflow.

#2 Check the Air Filter

  1. Take off the filter before powering on the purifier.
  2. See if the airflow and suction get better.
  3. If you frequently process materials that generate fume or dust, it shortens the lifespan of the filter faster.
  4. Make sure you replace the filter per your needs.

#3 Check the Air Inlet and Outlet

Check if the air inlet, outlet, and pipe itself are blocked. Clean the air pipe.

If None of the Above Works

If you have followed the instructions above and the issue is still not resolved, please read the article in the link below, collect the troubleshooting steps you have taken, and contact xTool tech support for further advice.

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