Connect the Device Through an IP Address

Article author
xTool Customer Service
  • Updated

This applies to:

D1 and D1 Pro with all laser modules.

To set up an IP connection, you must complete the Wi-Fi connection first. Please refer to the link below to connect your machine through Wi-Fi.

Then, move on to the following instructions to set up the IP connection.

  1.  Make sure your machine and computer are on the same network.
  2.  Go to Connect device page like before but this time see the IP section.
  3.  Enter the machine's IP address and click on the Connect button.
  4.  After it's done, you'll see the same info under the Wi-Fi Setting with a visible IP address like you do with the Wi-Fi connection.

Note: Your router may update the IP address from time to time, make sure you get the right IP address before you enter it under the IP section.

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